Είναι φανερό ότι το κομμουνιστικό κατεστημένο έχει βάλει ως στόχο την φίμωση του ΚΕΑ ΠΡΩΤΗ ΓΡΑΜΜΗ .
Με μία ενορχηστρωμένη προσπάθεια σπίλωσης και συκοφάντησης έχουν αρχίσει τα δημοσιεύματα σε μερίδα κυπριακών ΜΜΕ . Εχθροί και <<φίλοι >> γράφουν εναντίον μας .
Την αρχή έκανε η σατυρική εφημερίδα ΕΝΩΣΙΣ του Φτωχόπουλου την οποία ενίσχυαν ,αγοράζοντάς την , οι Έλληνες Πατριώτες . Το άθλιο δημοσίευμα της εν λόγω εφημερίδας σχετικά με το συνέδριο του Μιλάνου όπου αναφέρει πως το Βρεττανικό Εθνικό Κόμμα ΒΝΡ έχει σχέση με ...τουρκικά εθνικιστικά κινήματα διαψεύδεται από το ίδιο το ΒΝΡ .
Στην ιστοσελίδα του κινήματος υπάρχει εκτενής αναφορά σε εκδήλωση των Τσέχων Εθνικιστών στην Πράγα όπου μίλησε μεταξύ άλλων και ο πρόεδρος του ΒΝΡ , Νίκ Γκρίφιν , ο οποίος έχει κατηγορηθεί στην χώρα του επειδή έχει μιλήσει εναντίον της Ισλαμοποίησης της Βρεττανίας . !
Ο Γκρίφιν απευθυνόμενος στο πλήθος που είχε συγκεντρωθεί στην πλατεία Βένσεσλας τόνισε :
<< Όλοι οι Ευρωπαίοι πατριώτες ενωμένοι πρέπει να εναντιωθούν στην είσοδο της Τουρκίας στην Ε.Ε. . Θα επηρεαστούν ιδιαίτερα οι χώρες στην Ανατολική Ευρώπη που δεν έχουν σημαδευτεί ακόμα από τον πολυπολιτισμό και τον ισλαμισμό .
Οι μισθοί θα ελαττωθούν , θα πέσει το επίπεδο ζωής και θα αυξηθούν οι φόροι .! >>
Αυτά δήλωσε ο Νικ Γκρίφιν στις 29 Οκτωβρίου του 2008 , στην Πράγα . Πώς γίνεται λοιπόν το ΒΝΡ να έχει καλές σχέσεις με την Τουρκία ;
Παραθέτουμε παρακάτω ολόκληρο το κείμενο από την επιτυχημένη εκδήλωση της Πράγας όπως περιγράφεται στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του ΒΝΡ
European Patriots Must Oppose Turkey’s Entry into the EU — BNP Leader in Prague
October 29, 2008 by BNP News Filed under National News
October 29, 2008 by BNP News Filed under National News
All European patriots must stand together to oppose the entry of Turkey into the EU because it will bring all sorts of problems on a scale which will dwarf that of the already existing problems in Europe, BNP leader Nick Griffin has said.
Speaking before a crowd of Czech nationalists on Wenceslas Square in Prague (picture left), marking the 90th anniversary of the Czech liberation from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Mr Griffin said that the introduction of millions of Muslims in Turkey into the EU would particularly affect those Eastern European countries who have till now been unmarked by multiculturalism and Islamism.
“It will drive down wages, living standards and increase taxes,” he said, telling the crowd that his father had fought in World War II in the Royal Air Force, and that some of his father’s best comrades were Czechs who fought alongside Britain.
“The totalitarianism against which we fight now is the creeping tyranny of federal Europe. This is why we urgently need representation in the European parliament to sound the alarm about fraud, corruption and power grabs by the ruling elite, who seek a union of North Africa and Europe into Eurabia,” he said.
Other speakers at the rally included Czech National Party (CNP) leader Dr. Petra Edelmannova and Marc Abramson from the Swedish National Democrats. In the crowd were several BNP members who proudly carried British flags alongside the Czech national flag.
At the end of the rally, the local mayor, who had previously been taken to court by the CNP and was itching for revenge, arrived with a large crowd of police and announced the entirely peaceful rally was now banned. As the meeting had already ended, this had no effect on proceedings except to excite the already plentiful media, resulting in a large amount of instant TV coverage.
Nick Griffin reports from Prague - Audio file.
Speaking before a crowd of Czech nationalists on Wenceslas Square in Prague (picture left), marking the 90th anniversary of the Czech liberation from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Mr Griffin said that the introduction of millions of Muslims in Turkey into the EU would particularly affect those Eastern European countries who have till now been unmarked by multiculturalism and Islamism.
“It will drive down wages, living standards and increase taxes,” he said, telling the crowd that his father had fought in World War II in the Royal Air Force, and that some of his father’s best comrades were Czechs who fought alongside Britain.
“The totalitarianism against which we fight now is the creeping tyranny of federal Europe. This is why we urgently need representation in the European parliament to sound the alarm about fraud, corruption and power grabs by the ruling elite, who seek a union of North Africa and Europe into Eurabia,” he said.
Other speakers at the rally included Czech National Party (CNP) leader Dr. Petra Edelmannova and Marc Abramson from the Swedish National Democrats. In the crowd were several BNP members who proudly carried British flags alongside the Czech national flag.
At the end of the rally, the local mayor, who had previously been taken to court by the CNP and was itching for revenge, arrived with a large crowd of police and announced the entirely peaceful rally was now banned. As the meeting had already ended, this had no effect on proceedings except to excite the already plentiful media, resulting in a large amount of instant TV coverage.
Nick Griffin reports from Prague - Audio file.